For those few weeks-
I had you to myself.
And that seems to short a time
to be changed so profoundly.
In those few weeks-
I came to know you...
and to love you.
You came to trust me with your life.
Oh, what a life I had planned for you!
Just those few weeks-
When I lost you,
I lost a lifetime of hopes,
plans, dreams and aspirations...
A slice of my future simply vanished overnight.
Just those few weeks-
It wasn't enough time to convince others
how special and important you were.
How odd, a truly unique person has recently died
and no one is mourning the passing.
Just a mere few weeks-
And no "normal" person would cry all night
over a tiny, unfinished baby,
or get depressed and withdraw day after endless day.
No one would, so why am I?
You were just those few weeks my little one
you darted in and out my life too quickly.
But it seems that's all the time you needed
to make my life so much richer
and give me a small glimpse of eternity.
By Susan Erling Martinez
A poem about Miscarriage
I found this poem & thought I would share it with you. I can relate to it in many ways. However, Praise God I am not depressed or withdrawn. In fact it's quite the opposite. God has blessed me with such wonderful friends & family that allow me to talk about Trevor any time I need to. They never act uncomfortable and are always willing to listen! So instead of being withdrawn I have actually grown closer to people and I praise God for that!
I hope this poem can be used to bless someone else who has experienced a sudden loss of their precious baby.
I do now have just a small glimpse of eternity and let me just tell you if you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, your eternity, like mine, is going to be WONDERFUL!
Good Night all, talk to you soon!
January 2025- A lesson in hope
4 weeks ago
Thanks for posting this, I have been trying to wrap my mind around my feelings as January 31 marked a year since I miscarried. This poem pretty much says what I feel. I'm going to copy it to my blog. Still praying for you and love you guys!