Our Family Summer 2008

Our Family Summer 2008
Brandon, Stacy, Samantha Kailey & Trenton

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Shoes, Ties & A Whole Lot of BLING!

 God blessed our family yesterday with a great day of shopping together. As a child, one of my favorite memories was getting to shop for clothes for school. As an adult I have to admit I still enjoy shopping for new clothes for my children. Each child had a certain amount they could spend and off to town we went. We started at Penn Square Mall. It quickly became apparent that we might have a few challenges on our hands. S loves, loves, LOVES shoes! Athletic shoes of course. Athletic shoes and clothes for sports practice are pretty much all she is interested in. I kept having to remind her that she will need something to wear to school! All I asked was that she find something new for the 1st day of school. After several stores, and me removing her from several shoe sections. We finally had success! I think we have created a monster with T. All he was interested in was finding some new ties. Any of you who have a 4 year old who wants ties will  know, they are not easy to find. We were able to find him a couple of new ones. I NEVER thought I would see a day when my 4 year old would be spending $16.00 on a new tie. It has trucks on it so he was sold! His huge grin the rest of the day was priceless! He was so proud of his purchase. Boy was I thankful when the WWE (wrestler) T-shirt he wanted to purchase to wear with his new tie only came in sizes 8 & up. Saved by his small size! We did manage to pick up a few things---other than ties--for him to wear to preschool. K is our little shopper! She loves to go and can find something for herself at any store. So it was more challenging for her to pick & choose what she could get within the budget she was given. She started out the day picking out accessories, accessories and more accesories! She was drawn to hats in every store. I kept reminding her that she would look funny wearing just a hat! So then it was earrings, sparkly belts, zebra hair barrettes--you know all of the essentials! I had to add it up and show her that to purchase all of the accessories that she had rounded up was going to take all of her money. That was hard for her to understand since the pile looked so small. She made some difficult choices and got her favorite accessories and was able to find some fun, colorful clothes to wear with them! All in all it was a great day and we are thankful.


  1. Oh Stacy! This post made me laugh. I had THE WORST time shopping with my boys this year. I have one boy that's obsessed with Nike socks and another who doesn't care what the clothes look like or even if they match, they just have to fit a certain way. Long shorts, but not TOO long and shirts that are right at the hip bones, but not below or under. They sure do make life excited! =)

  2. err..exciting. Perhaps I shouldn't type and carry on a conversation about why your bedroom needs to be clean. HA
