About three weeks ago a local theater had a one time showing of "Letters to God". Samantha & I had taken Nana to see it back in April when we visited for Sammy's b-day. This time Brandon, Sammy, Kailey and some friends and I went to see it. There is a line in that movie that brought great comfort to me back in April when I was still hard in the midst of grief. It brought great comfort to me again three weeks ago when I was in celebration of a new little life growing inside me. Tyler a young boy in the final stages of cancer--tells his mom...."God chose you to be my mom". If my babies were here and could speak I know they too would say "God chose you to be our mom". He did. He chose me. Why? I may never know while here on earth. But I was chosen by God-----I see that only as a privilege. I see myself only as a willing servant---here to do whatever God may call me to do. Is that always joyful? No, it really isn't---right now it's quite painful. But God is here---he knows my pain and he LOVES me. He will carry me through. And sometimes the joy doesn't come---until the morning. Boy, do I want to be there for that morning. I want to see the joy that comes from all the pain.
".....Weeping may endure for a night, But JOY comes in the morning" Psalm 30:5
January 2025- A lesson in hope
4 weeks ago